Why Hire This Company?

  1. 90%+ of U.S. manufacturing and industrial companies are eligible to receive Research and Development Tax Incentives provided by the U.S. Federal Government.
  2. On average, clients receive $75,000 to $100,000 in tax credits.
  3. Tax specialty firm purpose is identifying and recovering tax incentives, especially R&D. Helping the underserved SMBs; recovered over $100M for over 7,000 clients.
  4. Streamlined process to get these tax incentives within a few hours.
  5. Does not compete with CPAs or tax preparers; the sole focus is credits and incentives.

Common Client Business Scenarios:

  1. You may be eligible for research and development credit if you pay for or perform services to develop or improve a product or manufacturing process.
  2. Only 5% of manufacturers know and take advantage of this Federal program.
  3. If a company is trying to expand its business, manufacture something new, improve an existing product or process, or make itself more competitive in the marketplace, it likely qualifies.

Main Products and Services:

R&D Tax Credits, Cost Segregation Services, State Employee Training Program (ETP), and Energy Efficient Commercial Building Deduction (179D).

Typical Client Business Impacts:

  • On average, clients receive $75,000 to $100,000 in tax credits/rebates and may be able to use them against current and future tax liabilities.
  • This is not a one-time event. Eligible companies can take advantage every tax year.
  • Tax credits can be carried forward for 20 years to offset current or future tax liabilities.

Next Steps:

If your company is interested in identifying your total R&D tax credit eligibility and would like an introduction to this company, please click the “Request Information” button to start the connection process.